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Virtual Recruitment - How to do it

Temporarily, the business landscape has changed dramatically. Remote working has had to (in some cases very quickly) be set up to ensure the safety and health of the UK, European and global workforce.

In an industry where face to face contact is at the very core of it’s fundamental operation, Recruitment has seen quite a dramatic change to say the least. Speaking to clients and candidates though, contingencies are in place and business continuity is more than feasible.

Technology means jobs can continue to be sourced for and interviews can continue to happen. Your next great hire as an employer, or next great career move as a candidate is still possible now, very easily in fact. Remote interviews were becoming more commonplace anyway, now they are being practiced across the world and scheduled for the next couple of weeks.

Below is a guide for everyone on good examples of software that can be used to facilitate the virtual recruitment process for free and how and where to find them.


Probably the most mainstream tool available universally to all. Skype provides free, internet audio and video calls very easily either through an app or website and is easily used across a range of devices. Through a username, phone number or email address this is easily accessible for all. Skype can be used for multiple functions by both candidates and companies but also calls to mobile numbers generally too providing a universal, multi-functioning tool to make it an ideal platform whatever kind of interview being undertaken.


Zoom is proving one of the most popular corporate software tools. Zoom allows you to hold virtual meetings, including interviews as well as conference calls, webinars and instant messenger for businesses. The regular use of Zoom already for businesses makes it an ideal platform to start incorporating interview processes and is very easy to set up. The meeting organiser produces a link, shares the link with the nominated attendees and they can join the meeting all in one click.


As one of the biggest sellers of mobile devices and with a seamless, easy to use app, FaceTime is proving an excellent platform for video based interviews to take place on. The app is free to use over the internet, comes readily available to anyone with an Apple device and is seamless to set up and contact any other Apple device user.

Microsoft Teams

Another rapidly growing tool by a range of companies for remote meetings, virtual calling and instant messenger , Microsoft Teams  is a great platform available to invite candidates to remote, virtual interviews. The platform is  available as an Office 365 application and all you need to sign up is your email address.

In Summary

These are a select few examples that are proving particularly popular to use and readily available for a lot of businesses to take advantage of. They all provide a close, intimate level of contact between prospective candidates and prospective employers, delivering everything you would  expect from a Face to Face interview whilst maintaining the important safety guidelines and advice issued by the government during the current pandemic.

These technologies allow us to maintain that it is very much “business as usual” in the world of recruitment. 

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