The Recruiter’s Perspective on CV Writing
Let’s be honest, starting a CV or even just the thought of updating your CV can sometimes feel l...
Surviving Recruitment Armageddon... take 2
Armageddon is approaching for the contracting market!! Or so many would have you believe; how...

Appointment of Simon Smith as Managing Director
KennedyPearce is excited to announce the appointment of new Managing Director Simon Smith. On the...

Stop! Are you sitting correctly?
If you are seeking a new role, working from home or working from the office you are likely to be ...

Liverpool's Champion Recruitment Strategy
Liverpool have finally been crowned Premier League champions! Jurgen Klopp predicted in his v...

Top Tips for Video Interviews
As clients start to hire again video interviews have soared. Normal preparation applies but here ...

Working from Home and Loneliness
You miss a large part of human interaction by working from home. If you think about it, a full-ti...

How to Stand Out in the Current Job Market
The job market is tough. We don't need to explain the reasons why but hopefully we can help you w...

I have just been awarded my "Hey Duggee" Working from Home whilst Parenting Badge!
Anyone who knows what the title of this article means, or alludes to at least, is a parent with a...

Virtual Recruitment - How to do it
Temporarily, the business landscape has changed dramatically. Remote working has had to (in some ...

Recruiters – Deserving of their name or misunderstood?
Recruitment is a vast and diverse world full of a range of people competing in a very challenging...

Be Like a Bat- 3 Tips for Interviewing a Potential New Hire
Bats are the kings of hearing, the best in fact of all land mammals. They listen to everything an...